Note: Organization of the T-SQL Tuesday blog party has changed to Steve Jones as of July 2018.

In order to manage the hosting, I’ve set up this page to allow you to leave a comment contact me and request a date. Ping me on Twitter (@way0utwest) as that’s the best way to find me. Use either a mention or a direct message.

If you request a chance at hosting, you must abide by the rules for T-SQL Tuesday. I do maintain a list of banned hosts, and if you do not abide by the rules, you will be banned from hosting in the future.

I would also request that if you are selected, you do the following:

  • Set a reminder for either the first Monday or Tuesday of your month to post the invitation on your blog.
  • At this time, post a note on Twitter that the invitation is live
  • Ping me when you post the invitation
  • Set a reminder for the second Monday and/or Tuesday of the month to send some reminders on Twitter about your invitation and ask that others post (or pre-schedule a few)
  • Set a reminder for sometimes the day after (second Wednesday) through that next Saturday to review posts and write a roundup/summary
  • Set a reminder for the third Tuesday of the month to be sure you’ve posted a roundup
  • Ping me when you post the round up / summary

If you are selected, I will also ask that your topic be ready a month in advance in case the previous host has issues. In that case, I’ll move your month up.

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you host in the future.

Steve Jones