These are links to the original blogs, which may no longer be alive.

December – T-SQL Tuesday #97 – Setting Learning Goals for 2018

November – T-SQL Tuesday #96 – Folks Who Have Made a Difference

October – T-SQL Tuesday #95 –Big Data

September – T-SQL Tuesday #94 – Let’s All Get PoSh

August – T-SQL Tuesday #93 – Interviewing Patterns and Anti-patterns

July – T-SQL Tuesday #92 – Lessons learned the hard way

June – T-SQL Tuesday #91 – Databases and DevOps

May – T-SQL Tuesday #90 – Shipping Database Changes

April – T-SQL Tuesday #89 –The times they are a-changing

March – T-SQL Tuesday #88 – The Daily (database-related) WTF

February – T-SQL Tuesday #87Fixing Old Problems with Shiny New Toys (roundup)

What I’d like to see from the blog responses for this T-SQL Tuesday is how you’ve used a “new” Microsoft data platform toy to fix an old problem. We’ll define new toys as something from SQL Server 2014’s release date until now. We’ll even accept a SQL Server vNext response if you’ve got one!

January – T-SQL Tuesday #86SQL Server Bugs and Enhancement Requests (roundup)

Find the most interesting bug or enhancement request (and it can be your own), and write a blog post about it