Invitation and roundup from Brent Ozar.

Your readers wonder what kinds of jobs are out there in the database world, what exactly it is that you do, and what your daily grind is like. While it’d be cool to cover all of that, let’s start with something simple.

Your mission for this week: write a blog post about the last ticket you closed, and schedule it for next Tuesday, February 13.

It doesn’t have to be T-SQL. T-SQL Tuesday has evolved to cover all kinds of data topics.

The task/issue doesn’t have to be indicative of your overall career. Our database jobs cause us to do all kinds of oddball things through the day. Go into your ticket system, help desk system, list of Github issues, or task list right now, look at the last task you checked off, and blog about that.

Don’t include company specifics or anything that might get you in trouble. Just talk in general terms about:

  • Why the task was created (an error popped up, a user had a problem, your boss had an idea, whatever)
  • General terms about work you had, what online resources you found helpful, how long it took
  • How often that kind of task pops up in your queue