Invitation and roundup from Matthew McGiffen.

For those of you who don’t know, T-SQL Tuesday is a monthly blog party where pople are invited to blog on a chosen subject related to SQL Server. You’re invited to join in whether you’re an experienced blogger, or have never blogged before. It’s a nice way to get started writing with a ready audience who’ll view your post.

Any of you who know me will know I have a keen interest in SQL Server Encryption and Data Protection so that’s the topic for this month’s blog party.

Any contributions relating to that topic are most welcome, and treat it as you see fit. Maybe you have a technical detail or discovery you want to share. Maybe you have a useful “how to”. Equally welcome are stories about encryption gone wrong – or incidents where data wasn’t protected sufficiently, and bad things happened. Or stories with a happy ending. It’s a deliberately wide topic, and I’d love a wide variety of contributions.