Invitation from Dr. Victoria Holt.

Data governance is a topic that has raised its head again in the last year, with the introduction of a GA service called Azure Purview. Data governance is not a new topic in the realms of data management. I think over the last few years data governance has had a focus on meeting data protection law, government legislation and formalised control and standards. Then with data sovereignty issues being everyday considerations within the global market place, storage locations in the cloud and the likes of the General Data Protection Act, data governance has been very focused on meeting legislative requirements.

There has been a substantive cost involved in setting up data governance within an organisation to avoid those heavy fines if a data breach were to occur. I think because of this many organisations compartmentalise personal data systems.

A change in perspective, a reimagination, of data governance is occurring. Data governance is really about ‘data erudition’, showing an interest in learning about the data we have, improving the quality and creating a more productive and trusted data asset. Starting small and incrementing data change in a way that matches the business need, is a way to gain targeted business value. Azure Purview provides this great opportunity for us to start at the beginning and create a data catalog, data inventory, data dictionary and much more in an automated way. Trusting the data quality, knowing your risks and what data you have sets your business up for success.

My invitation to you for this month’s #tsql2sday is…

I want to invite you to share your experiences on data governance

  • The current cost of data governance versus its benefits
  • The amazing things data governance has enabled you to achieve or will enable you to achieve in the future
  • The potential uses for Azure Purview within your estates and the automated deployment options for that