Invitation and wrap up from TJay Belt.

Having gone thru this last year of strange upheaval around the world, I’ve been thinking about this topic quite a bit lately. My company has a mentor program where one can sign up and discuss this topic. I signed up. I’ve had several ‘sessions’ with my mentor. We’ve had some productive conversations about what this all means to me, my career, my skillset, and so on.
As I transitioned to work at home, some 500 days ago, it was a shift in perspective, timing, and many things. Trying to keep those scales balanced has been a focus and a struggle from time to time. Especially recently, but throughout my career, it’s a topic I often lapse back into. Trying to find that balance.

My invitation to you for this month’s #tsql2sday is…

I want to invite you to share your experiences dealing with your own personal journey with Work/Life Balance, either thru experience, or hopeful future goals…

  • What are the cool things have you learned?
  • What things did you try, that simply didn’t work out?
  • What rules have you implemented that made it easier to balance?
  • What rules made it harder to find that balance?
  • What are tips or tricks can you share to help others?