Invitation and wrap-up from Steve Jones.

Jupyter Notebooks

I first heard about Jupyter Notebooks years ago. At the time I was just getting started in Python and I thought these were a great way to share code online with others. However, the setup and administration was a pain, and I quickly gave up.

When I saw Microsoft add notebooks to Azure, I got slightly excited again, but once again, it was a bit of a pain to work with these. Too much administrative overhead, in my opinion.

That changed a bit with Azure Data Studio, which has seen notebooks get added, and become easier and more stable. If you haven’t tried notebooks, get ADS and give it a try today. I even wrote a short piece on using these.

Your Invitation

For this month’s T-SQL Tuesday, I want you to write about how you have used, or would like to use, a Jupyter notebook. This seemed to be exciting for many people at first, but I haven’t seen a lot of uptake from users in general. So I’m curious if you are using them.

A few resources for you:

There is even a way to run these from PowerShell.

So let me know how you are using notebooks, or your plans for the future.