Invitation and summary from Tracy Boggiano.

Ever since Microsoft introduced Query Store I’ve been working with it, back to the CTPs in 2016. I started presenting on it because it benefited my current company at the time. I heard there are low adoptions rates and from a couple people implementations problems or just not having time to implement it. After 3 years of presenting on it and writing a book about it I’m curious as to adoption rate of Query Store, but we won’t be writing about that.

For this T-SQL Tuesday, write about your experience adopting Query Store, maybe something unique you have seen, or a how your configure you databases, or any customization you done around it, or a story about how it saved the day. Alternately, if you have not implemented yet blog about why if you are using 2016 and above, we know why if aren’t on 2016. If you are unfortunate to be on below 2016 write about what in Query Store you are looking forward to the most once you are able to implement it. Basically, anything related to Query Store is in for T-SQL Tuesday, hopefully everyone has read up on it and knows what it can do.