Invitation from Bradley Balls.

Since it is the holiday season, I wanted to keep this holiday themed. I couldn’t help but think of the approaching Christmas holiday. Every year I get my children to make a list of presents that they would like to get from Santa Clause. If we are out and about and they start to misbehave I remind them about their list and that only Nice children get presents.

“So Balls,” you say, “What in the ever loving wide wide world of sports does this have to do with SQL Server?!?”

As you work with SQL Server look around you. Is your environment Naughty or Nice? If it is Naughty what’s wrong with it? What would you do to fix it? Do you have a scrooge that is giving you the Christmas chills? Perhaps you have servers of past, present, and future haunting you. Maybe you are looking at SQL Server 2016 like some bright shining star in the east.

First and foremost the rules.

Rule 1: Don’t get yourself fired. If your boss is a scrooge don’t name names, don’t hint to hard. It’s okay to protect yourself. You want to write about events we can look back on and reflect over, not events HR would *love* to know about. Perhaps a reminder of SQL Server’s past would be better than that of SQL present.

Rule 2: Some Time next Tuesday using GMT, here’s a link to a GMT time convertor, publish your blog post. For example in the US that would cover 8 pm Monday to 8 pm Tuesday.

Rule 3: Make sure that you include the Image at the top of the page helping to identify your post as a T-SQL Tuesday blog. Then come back here and post a link in the comments so I can find them. Before the end of the week I’ll do a round up of all the blogs.

Extra Credit!

Tweet your blog with the hash tag #tsql2sday, use SQL Server 2016, & go read someone else’s blog on the subject!