Invitation and Roundup from Robert Pearl.

So, let’s get this blog party started, and kick off our international Healthy SQL campaign. Let’s spread the word to anyone and everyone managing a SQL Server Database infrastructure of the necessity to perform regular health checks on each SQL Server and repeat often. The purpose here is to get database professionals, to ensure that all their SQL Servers are healthy, and can pass a health check. It also means that you can prove this (to heaven forbid, auditors), and back it up with documentation.

If you want to excel in your career as a data professional or DBA, then you need to be concerned about your companies’ SQLFitness. Therefore, I am inviting all of you, to blog about your T-SQL Resolution, and describe what it is that you will do this year to make sure your SQL Servers are healthy and fit. Now, it’s ok to ponder Healthy SQL in the abstract, but we’re looking for some technical tips on things a DBA should do to keep your SQL Servers performing well.

It could be something as simple as implementing a new monitoring software or script, updating all your SQL Servers to the latest version or service pack, setting up maintenance and optimization jobs, HA/DR, creating a performance baseline, capturing performance stats, (ie: DMV automation scripts, or MDW), a checklist ,etc. Sky is the limit, as long as you can contribute something to the SQLCommunity that can be used in the effort to ensure SQL Fitness.