Invitation and roundup from Bradley Balls.

As a DBA or a Presenter/Speaker we have all had at least one moment we would like back. The demo didn’t work, you were green and got asked a question you now know in your sleep. You had a presentation in front of a client, and it all went sideways. Maybe you logged onto the prod server thinking it was dev and dropped something you shouldn’t have. These moments serve not just as painful reminders, but also as powerful instruments for learning. Would you like another shot at getting it right? WELL NOW’S YOUR CHANCE! Or I guess actually your…. Second…. Chance. Your missions should you choose to accept it, tell me one of the moments you had, and most importantly what you learned from it!

First and foremost the rules.

Rule 1: Don’t get yourself fired. If you almost dropped the prod DB last week, truncated an important table, or took down a prod server during critical business hours, and nobody knows it was you & the people you work for read your blog, you should probably avoid writing about it here. You want to write about events we can look back on and reflect over, not events HR would *love* to know about.