Invitation and roundup from Erin Stellato .

When we were kids, sometime during elementary school, adults started asking, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The professions initially mentioned varied, but they were often along the lines of teacher, doctor, nurse, fireman, policeman, singer, engineer, etc. Obviously these are not the only professions in the world. There are so many different occupations that exist, that whenever I meet someone, I usually ask what they do. It’s not unusual for someone to list a title I’ve never heard (Improvement Coordinator is one I heard the other day). But a title doesn’t tell me what that person does. Even when someone’s a doctor or a teacher, there are so many variations nowadays that I always follow up with, “Well what do you do every day?” And I ask because I really want to know. So tell me…

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday post is about you and your job. Specifically, on Wednesday July 11th or Thursday July 12th, track what you do for an entire day and then write about it. Hopefully one of those days is a “typical” day and not a vacation day (if it is, then just pick another day or do your best), but ideally, everyone writes about what they did on one specific day.

The scope of this topic is wide open, you don’t have to simply list what you did – feel free to elaborate on what tasks you love or don’t love, your favorite or least favorite part of the day. Make the post as non-technical or technical as you want (maybe you learned something new that was really cool). My only request is that you list your official title, as I plan to include them in some way in my summary post.