T-SQL Tuesday #012 – Why are DBA skills necessary?

Invitation and summary from Paul Randal.

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## [Invitation to participate in T-SQL Tuesday #12 – Why are DBA skills necessary?](https://www.sqlskills.com/blogs/paul/invitation-to-participate-in-t-sql-tuesday-12-why-are-dba-skills-necessary/)
This month I’d like to step back from the deep technical stuff and ask “why are DBA skills necessary?” I don’t want to color people’s opinions by giving my own yet, but some things to consider are: - What problems have you seen in your career that could have been avoided with some DBA skills? - At what point does a SQL Server installation need a real DBA to look after it? - How could DBA input help prevent design problems in data applications? - Should there be cross-over been developer skills and DBA skills? What about architects? Storage admins? - How can business continuity be affected by lack of DBA skills? - How much can we rely on auto-tuning to ensure performant work loads? - Is Microsoft doing enough to foster DBA skills as a point of excellence? - What about on other RDBMS platforms? What about no-SQL? I could go on for hours… I’m really looking forward to seeing where you take this topic and I’m expecting some great posts.
Tags: 2010 career
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