Hosted by Adam Machanic

Invite and roundup

Have you ever found yourself unable to figure out the intricacies of how some piece of code works? Ever been confused by the results you’ve gotten back from a query, only to find out that something totally unrelated was going on? Or have you ever been compelled to wile away your spare time working on a “challenge” posted by some blogger?

For this month’s T-SQL Tuesday, I’m asking participants to write a blog post on a “puzzling” topic, along the lines of some of the following ideas:

  • Describe a confusing situation you encountered, and explain how you debugged the problem and what the resolution was
  • Show a piece of code that doesn’t behave as most people might expect, and illustrate the reasoning behind the discrepancy
  • Create a challenge for your readers to solve

As always, even given the event’s name the posts are not limited to T-SQL! Any component of, or software product related to SQL Server, is fair game. MDX, SSIS, LINQ to SQL, Entity Data Model, NHibernate, and any other software product that deals with SQL Server data can be featured in your post. Be creative!